Robe, South Australia
15 reasons why the modern landscape photography world is better than nature:
1. The pterodactyls are back! Particularly easy to find in coastal regions
2. We can warp ourselves into impossible precipices and proportions , so in awe of ourselves that we stretch out our arms to silent applause.
3. Sunlight can appear from anywhere, even in the middle of the night
4. We control the spin of the earth placing stars where we need
5. We control the brightness of stars, +60 if we need to see them at twilight
6. There are mountains and there are MOUNTAINS but many mere mountains are now MOUNTAINS
7. Our retina lost the ability to see cyan and green in open areas
8. UFOs with yellow engines apparently hover over forests, particularly waterfalls (at any time of day)
9. The world has become a warm fuzzy glowy place
10. Wildflowers have the capability to consume high quantities of anabolic sterols
11. Nature bends and flips to please our western left to right reading eye
12. There’s no need to hope for light, light just replays itself on order
13. There’s no need to position for light, light will bend for us
14. There's no such thing as perspective, just a vision
15. Who needs movies, popcorn times ahead when the truth is debated.
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Now for the disclosure statement:
O man, I fail, I only ticked a few of these 15 points!
Clearly the birds were pasted in (from a shot taken at Mannum in 2012). Yes it should be in the 'Fine Art' section yadayada .
The original image, was a blend of 4 exposures taken pre dawn at the high iso settings to minimise shutter for the foreground.