
The Light Catcher
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim - Adelaide, Australia

The Wanaka Tree (which needs no introduction) I hope for a second you may have thought it wasn't the Wanaka tree? That's because the light was happening in a different direction to the usual composition and I went chasing! No reflections, no real foreground interest apart from ducks but I don't see these clouds very often so I photographed them ;) On another note: In the last couple of months we've finally managed to put a bunch of recorded tutorials into a package. These go through how we use adjustment layers pertaining to contrast and colour management. The video is a sneak preview of many bits of information you'll get in 45 minutes. They give you an idea of how we utilise photoshop to achieve our ends and I am hoping that we don't try to enforce upon you a rigid workflow but rather, give you some tools and tips from which you can choose to work on your own images. As an early-bird discount, use the code EPTCCL15 for a 15% discount on the already discounted video and follow the link . For those who have taken a look at the video , we'd be interested to know what segments you got the most from . [Colour Management] [Tone and Contrast control] [Colour and Contrast Adjustment Layers Package]

Canon EOS 6D
EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM
27 мм
80 с
2015-10-15 09:25:10 UTC
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