
Positive Envy
Timothy Poulton - Sydney, Australia

There is an old saying that crops up in my mind every now and then: “the grass is always greener on the other side.” Not really for the means of desiring something they believe would improve his or her life, yet sadly would not. Instead, it is because I think about where I am now, and the possibilities of what could be. To dream of being in a totally different situation, wondering how great life would be compared to the current situation is intriguing. The mind is unrealistically focused on what could be gained, with little attention to what would be lost. I believe we should relish life as we live it. Find joy in the journey and share that joy with the people who will listen, but forgive the ones that can't.

14.1350194 мм
2 с
2015-09-28 08:25:27 UTC
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