
Daniel Greenwood - Vancouver, Canada

best viewed on black This is a more creative take on Bow Lake I captured a few months back. It is possibly one of my favorite compositions I have ever photographed in the year I have owned my Canon 6D. With all of the elements coming together perfectly from sunset all the way to the middle of the night, I was able to previsualize and capture the elements needed for the creation of this image. In a few hours I will be on the freeway headed back to the Canadian Rockies to hopefully capture some amazing light. The last month or so I have spent learning how to use my new Nikon and I'm excited to put it to full use these next 5 days. Technical stuff on this shot. Photo was captured and created from multiple exposures ranging from sunset all the way into the midnight hours. I then processed the images using manual blending techniques to combine the elements the way I viewed them in my mind.

2015-09-05 09:41:21 UTC
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