
Pathway towards the lighthouse
Dagur Jonsson - Reykjavik, Iceland

This summer we have had an amazing midnight sun here in the Reykjavik capital area. Last month I went to the island of Grotta in Seltjarnarnes and got some great shots while walking on the island. Here is a shot of the walking pathway towards the lighthouse on the island with the midnight sun in the background. Grótta is a spit of land in Seltjarnarnes, a neighboring town of Reykjavík, which turns into an island at high tide. During low tide one can reach Grótta on foot and stay there for approximately six hours before the isthmus is flooded. The first lighthouse in Grótta was built in 1897 and the current one dates back to 1947. The original lens is still in use and the lighthouse was electrified in 1956. If you like my work you can follow me on Facebook here. You can also follow me on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.

Canon EOS 700D
1/25 с
2015-08-12 14:17:33 UTC
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