
Namibian Magic
Martin Krajczy - Bissendorf, Germany

We could see this thunderstorm for hours driving through the southern parts of Namibia. We discussed if our target location is behind, before or directly under the storm area. When we arrived we knew it is at the edge of the storm. As the sunset was not far away the light was incredible and we did have heavy winds but only a few rain drops. This is one of the first shots which i took in this location. The sun was still high if visible. But the tones were already golden. I faced the issue that there have been some farm buildings in my favourite direction. So i did chose a low angle to get rid of them. You can see the heavy winds due to the moving grass. The quiver trees are just awesome in this light and the baya nests are really huge with hundreds of them in one nest. If you want to get nervous just stand below of such a huge baya nest for 10 minutes and watch the birds coming and going. Five minutes after this shot i had to jump into the car for a few minutes as the rain got stronger.

2015-08-04 08:38:36 UTC
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