
Colours of New York City
Joel (Julius) Tjintjelaar - The Netherlands

Colours of New York City. The colour rendition of my Visual Acoustics VIII - New York City Sunrise image. More colour work to come. Most photo sharing sites on the Internet don't do justice to my panoramic images. Even more, no photo sharing site does do justice to my images at all. Best to see them live, for example at the Rotella galleries in NYC and Las Vegas where you can see my images in sizes up to almost 100 inches (2.5 meters). I used my iSGM B&W workflow method for processing this image. Yes, it's applicable to anything;) If you're interested in how to create images like I do, then check out the best selling book on B&W fine-art photography that I co-authored with Julia Anna Gospodarou

2015-06-27 09:45:28 UTC
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