
The last glow
Arpan Das - Pisa, Italy

The day was most unlucky for me. I missed the most beautiful sunset there. I went there to capture the milky way and ya the milkway was there and it was the first time I saw it but my D810 went inside the lake and I couldn't capture a single image of the milkyway.. How frustrating. This is a blend of several exposures. First there were 8 exposures focus blended for the foreground flowers and then there was another exposure for the mountain and sky. Also I captured them knowing that I am going to use perspective blending. I must admit I miss the most brilliant light which was there for 5 minutes before. However I came with this I quite like it because it has so many elements and drama in it. I was disappointed with the moon as it was captured with 14mm wide angle lens and it looks so small. But whatever overall I like it very much. I never thought it will turn out so nicely.

Samyang 14 mm
14 мм
Multiple с
2015-06-14 10:39:07 UTC
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