
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim - Adelaide, Australia

Eagle Creek Trail Oregon The title reflects Yin and Yang and that in turn perhaps a difference between old schools of thought and a generation Y mindset. I wrote a few words after being particularly affected by an incident last year involving attitudes of entitlement : "Dedicated to those who feel the need to be special despite being ordinary. Why must I work to achieve successes? My right is to be special with no second guesses. Just ask my parents, my teachers, that loving lot, From the day I was born until the day I rot. I've had a right to the life of my choice The world ought to cherish the sound of my voice. Let me answer first in general From my whims so ephemeral You want to be a legend without first knowing tragedy You want to experience glory without first knowing apathy You want to win shiny medals without having first achieved Your feel you’ve earned distinction but its yourself you’ve deceived What you are is what you cannot even conceive. That you drift upon an endless sea of vanity With no destination , no sense of identity For in your world where special is the norm No brilliance , no radiance can truly be born. Let me now answer specifically, Some words to assist you professionally What is your purpose and what is your goal? Within this institution what is your role? Perhaps it’s to consider the needs of others, Putting aside the self in the place of another. Maybe it’s not to question the quirk of a roster. Maybe it’s not to treat patients as a bother. So again I ask, why are you here? To bask in your glory or perhaps, to care." About the image: One leaf was placed, the others were all there in a year where fall in the gorge was more crispy than vibrant! Big thanks to the legend Tula Top for taking me here too! Last post for a little bit while holidaying with the family hopefully in the snow ! (weather permitting) [Focus 11 ebook] [Prints and Tutorials] [Facebook] [Instagram]

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
19 мм
13 с
2015-06-03 15:55:44 UTC
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