
fog&maiden's tower
E&E Photography - İstanbul, TÜrkİye

© 2015 Engin Erol ... All rights reserved
The photo is protected by copyright laws and may not be used on websites, blogs or other media without my written permission; they may not be edited or used in other artworks, neither in total nor in parts. Violations may cause legal consequences.........This is a small and attractive tower built on an islet at the entrance to the Bosphorus. It is one of the symbols of Istanbul. Used in the past as a watchtower and a lighthouse, it has been preserved in its 19th Century appearance. It serves as a landmark for ships entering the Bosphorus and will be used for touristic purposes. Western sources have erroneously attributed the tower to Leander, who drowned as he was trying to swim to his lover Hero. Actually, this mythological story took place in the Dardanelles. According to another story, an emperor once dreamt that his daughter was going to die because of a snake bite and settled the girl in this tower to ensure her safety. Nevertheless, the tragedy could not be averted and the girl was bitten by a snake hidden in a fruit basket..

51 мм
1/250 с
2015-05-15 11:45:22 UTC
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