
Felix Inden - Cologne/Köln, Germany

Mesmerized i felt while shooting this down south of the world in Torres del Paine national parc in chilean Patagonia. Lenticular clouds were drifting over the sky while the wind was getting really strong, blowing the surface of lago Pehoé creating some nice waves. Hope you can still apreciate one more shot from Patagonia in these days filled with stunning imagery from down there... Happy mothers day everybody! I invite you to follow me on instagram and facebook as well as google+ where you can find some behind the scenes, outtakes and often new images that i am working on. I am also building up my Blog where i will share some tips and tricks that i find useful to improve landscape and architectural photography. Featuring Lucroit Filterholders & Filters hit the link and get a 10% discount on everything in the webshop entering „felizuco“ at checkout of the shopping basket. All imagery is available for licensing and as fineart print in different editions, please contact me directly.

14-24 2.8
14 мм
2015-05-11 09:16:48 UTC
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