
Gory Detail
Timothy Poulton - Sydney, Australia

I was recently asked if one of my images was a sky composite, for those not in the know, this is when you drop another sky from another scene into the image. Now to make this look realistic you need to have some serious PS skills, otherwise it looks like rubbish, plenty of people do it and create amazing work. Now I’m not a big fan of this and try to keep my images as realistic as possible but will go to town on the image to make it look as amazing as possible. I never drop in skies, fog, mist, light bleed, star bursts or anything that wasn’t in the scene, if it didn’t happen then I’m off to the pub and will try again the next morning with a hangover or at another stage. So here is the same scene in question, you make the decision, is the sky fake and I’m a legend in PS or is it the real deal, love to hear your thoughts.

90 мм
1/2 с
2015-05-02 19:31:17 UTC
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