
Hold Your Breath
Joerg Bonner - Vienna, Austria

In late September I spent two weeks exploring northern Norway. Since I had skipped Lofoten (for reasons I'm happy to explain to anyone interested over a beer or two) I HAD to stop by at the equally iconic (but tolerably so) island of Senja. In case you haven't heard of it before: it's famous for A) being the home of the world's largest troll B) Tungeneset - a quite photogenic outcrop along the coast with direct view of the Okshornan mountains While most visitors go for both options, I couldn't care less about trolls so here's my take on B: "Hold Your Breath" website | blog | facebook | google+

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Nikon AF 14-24mm
14 мм
1 с
2015-01-07 09:11:24 UTC
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