
Oresund Sunset Explosion
Eamon Gallagher - Malmo, Sweden

Stay up to date at with the latest at Visit EyeOfAlens Oresund Sunset Explosion... Please View On Black.. Some of you may have already seen this image & this is one of the images that I freshly re-edited after its first process 9mths ago. I dont mind saying I've learnt an awful lot since then with my processing & also coming to grips with what I'm trying to convey in my images. I've toned this down with the colors but I can tell you the colors were very much crazy like this . ( I'll kindly give a screen grab of the RAW file if anyone so wishes! ) Whilst this was going on I kept looking around to see if anyone else was seeing this ! & only saw one man out walking with his dog by the shoreline & he stopped to see what I was doing out in the water with tripod & camera.

2015-03-22 10:09:21 UTC
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