
Lost Boy
The Narratographer - United Kingdom

Some people are just too broken. There are some people in this world that you simply cannot reach. Sometimes we are faced with a choice and whilst we know better, our hearts force us to do what we feel is the right thing to do. We are givers, we are helpers, we are rescuers. We want nothing more in life than love and a warm smile and we are willing to sacrifice everything of ourselves in order to find that. So we go head first into a situation that we know will kill us but we do so with hope and optimism. We make excuses for their behaviour. Slowly, our need grows and the amount we will tolerate increases. Whereby we used to feel balance, we now feel insecurity. Damaged people do this to us, not deliberately, but because they project onto us that which is wrong with them. We go there to fix them and they end up breaking us. People change us, more so than anything else ever can. When I find myself talking to him, I see nothing more than a shadow of his former self. His voice is echoey and hollow, he has forgotten who he was. She tole the smile from his lips and the hope from his heart. Now, all that is left is the bits of him she had no need of. Some people are energy thieves, stealers of strength and hope. Now, when he looks at himself in the mirror, he doesn’t recognise what he sees. He feels like the world doesn’t want him anymore, like he is surplus to life’s requirements. He is lost.

Canon EOS 5DS R
24 мм
90 с
2017-07-12 08:55:08 UTC
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