
Aries pool
Jake Anderson

Airies pool/ Mighty Tor It's been a couple of weeks now, but heres another picture from the OOAK Team trip to the Snowy Mountains. When you set eyes on this Tor you actually get a sense of order out of the chaos. Its like an all consuming calm comes over you. You come stumbling up over rocks, tors and mountains, all of a sudden you're greeted by this scene. A calm pool of water with this incredible tor. At the time of year we were there, there are these moths that hide in the cracks in the rocks, and at dusk poor out into the sky almost blacking out the sky with their immense numbers, the Aboriginals used to journey up there at this time of year to eat the moths. You could imagine this place as their meeting place, it has a presence that's had to explain unless you've been there.

16.0-35.0 mm f/4.0
16 мм
1/2 с
2015-02-24 15:55:03 UTC
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