For better or worse, I decided that I'd mix some snowflakes into the usual long lens recipe involving atmosphere and peaks. I did this because
A: I wanted to
B. because snowflake plug-ins are less artistic and often fake looking
C. It was a fun artistic challenge to create my own way.
We were blessed with incredible atmosphere on this morning and I took multiple 200-600mm shots of peaks with and without the snow, some of which I will share here later. Here I took the peak and all the clouds in a single shot and the snow in two more, both using sunlit flakes against darker backgrounds at different focal lengths and moving only enough of the highlights over that some appear dreamy and slightly translucent, which is what I was going for.
A little fantasy here with the color palette here as well, which started off as a beautiful sunrise! So you see, I either created or entirely wrecked this beautiful scene, but it's different for me. Thanks!