
Boat under the Milky way
Charles ( Χάρης ) Charalambous - Limassol, Cyprus

"Zapalo" , is a remote , wild , beautiful shore near my town. one needs to walk for almost half an hour through a narrow rocky path to get down there so no people are to be found there , making shooting so much easier :) The colorful sky is the result of lights from nearby villages. A single RAW file , Taken with the Nikon D800 and Nikon 14-24 f/2.8 , Exposure 30,0 sec; f/2,8; ISO 4000 . Basic Post process in a very short time. Noise removal with Nik collection Dfine2 (free to download from google) , a mask was applied to the sky and some contrast was added . the harsh light (Glow) coming form the right was tamed with a curves layer having as a selection a bright luminosity mask , a selective sharpening on the boat , and a selective vignetting to keep interest on the boat and MW.

Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8
14 мм
30 sec с
2016-12-03 10:30:08 UTC
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