
Close Encounters
Nicola Pirondini - Rio Saliceto, Italy

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the last serie of new images. Today I want to share with you a new version of one of my personal favourites, which I recently had the chance to put my hands on while exporting the file for MythLands Team share. I got rid of some zones with too much saturation and backed up a bit the reds. Also some localized color adjustment in the vegetation and that's it, maybe a bit of warping in the left side. Very little things that popped up to my eyes during months of observation. I hope you enjoy the image guys! About the image, that little thing on the top of the rock is actually me, witnessing that flaming summer sunrise. I was on the Bismantova rock, a strange shaped mountain located in the Appennines. Shot with remote click while I was up on that rock, enjoy the epic light. I hope you enjoy the image, have a great sunday everyone! -Nicola

10.0-20.0 mm f/4.0-5.6
10 мм
2016-10-10 08:50:11 UTC
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