
The Judges Hammer
Jordan Mc Inally - Queenstown, New Zealand

Autumn in Queenstown has to be one of the most amazing things I've ever seen! I never used to care until picking up a camera, and that little bridge down on the right is where it all started for me! I've been so antsy at work the last few days, watching the sun hitting all the awesome golden trees around me at the Kawarau Bridge but not really being able to go and shoot.. After work today I managed to convince Abi to wait for me to get a couple of shots from up here on the Chard Farm road (even though she was starving! Sorry Abz..). The light was absolutely perfect! And we just made it up there in time to catch the last rays of sun hitting the trees following the road (on the left) so I was pretty stoked! My original plan was just to get a few shots of the sun setting over Judge & Jury, the hills where the sun is setting, but the entire place looked incredible so I shot a 360 panorama instead!

Canon EOS 6D
28 мм
1/200 с
2016-04-29 08:35:34 UTC
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