
Perfect couple: Lynn & Ranzo
Rainer Leiss - Vienna, Austria

Ranzo was a minor celebrity in his homeland Finland. He was born on 18 November 2011. Over 32,000 fans have participated in the name search for the polar bear. In tribute to his home Ranua was finally selected "Ranzo" Meanwhile Ranzo is a handsome bear and weighs approximately 300 kilograms. Zoo director Dr. Dagmar Schratter:.. "Ranzo is the Finns very important so we are pleased that we gave him and his fellows a. well provide great home with a varied landscape and swimming and diving pools. " Ranzos roommate Lynn was born on 30 November 2011 at the Rhenen Zoo. Lynn and Ranzo are the first inhabitants of the new, 1,700-square-foot polar bear enclosure at the Vienna zoo, whichmis three times as large as the old one. Ranzo and Lynn are cousins ​​The idea is to let grow several juveniles here.. With the option later in the context of the breeding program with other zoos to exchange.

Canon EOS 7D
310 мм
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2015-09-12 11:02:43 UTC
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