
Burning II
Ole Henrik Skjelstad - Hønefoss, Norway

Some adorn their foregrounds with leaves whereas others (I) embark on a 300 meter sprint to a field of wildflowers where they (still I) gently pick up a bouquet (jerk up a bouquet - we (I) are in Viking land). Next follows a new 300 meter sprint back to the origin and now the handful of wildflowers are delicately re-planted (with brute force stuck into the ground). After a rapid succession of tantrums while trying to find something that looks like a composition the shooting begins - several focal points for dof - not that a Viking knows what dof is - just a piece of info to the non-Viking experts out there. Edited blindfolded for a best possible non-Viking result. Owing to the fact that we (including I) are in Verona, Italy to enjoy the scenery (spying out the country for a possible conquest) I may attend to comments rather haphazardly.

Tamron 15-30mm F2.8
15 мм
1/3 с
2015-06-26 13:34:29 UTC
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