
Pisa: Duomo
Fred Matos - Maceió, Brasil

The Italian city of Pisa, in Tuscany, known worldwide for its leaning tower, is the scene of cultural and architectural treasures of inestimable value, especially gathered in the Piazza dei Miracoli, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Besides the famous tower, are located in Piazza dei Miracoli, the Cathedral (Duomo), the Baptistery, the Campossanto (cemetery), the Hospital, the Cathedral Museum (Museo del Duomo del'Opera) and the institution's facilities, which They were originally to build and today serve to the maintenance and upkeep of all this together, the Opera del Duomo. In this picture we see: The Cathedral (Duomo), built between 1064 and 1110. With plant-shaped cross, has a very long central body, divided into five naves by two double rows of columns with a semicircular head at the end. The transept that intersects the main body is divided by two colonnades into three naves. The Cathedral was built with white marble mountains of S. Giuliano. The apses and the facade are crowned by columns with capitals, supporting a round arch creating a module that organizes the surfaces of the building. This scheme is repeated on a smaller scale on the outer walls, forming the higher orders of the facade is decorated with motifs in bas-relief polychrome. The bronze portal is the work of Bonanno of Pisa. In the head of the tympanum was placed a griffin in bronze, probably acquired after a victory over the Saracens. On either side of the nave are placed two rows of columns made of granite from the island of Elba.

2015-06-26 13:32:46 UTC
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