
Sunset Walk by Westerhever
Peter Ensrud - Buchs, Switzerland

Westerhever Lighthouse….one of my favorite places in the world. Why? I couldn't tell you, but since a child and seeing it on the cover of a school textbook with a family walking in the mud, it just stuck with me. And now I have family that lives a mere 45 minute drive from it, so whenever we come visit I make sure to spend several nights and days out there, while making time to visit other lighthouses as well. While the others are great and I enjoy the adventures visiting the others, ferry rides, train rides, renting bikes and biking around islands and the North Sea, this one is still like home. At sun down I did several panoramas from the other side of the lighthouse. Then I waited for 3 hours until the skies finally darkened enough for me to capture the light rays from the lighthouse. Long night. Great night.

Canon EOS 6D
EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM
44 мм
1/20 с
2015-06-13 10:02:58 UTC
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