
The Ghost of Hainault - Please Read
Fred Adams - London, Uk

Unfortunately, it would appear that someone seems to be conducting a sustained vendetta against me across various social media, due to a spate of unfollows that has occured in recent weeks. It seems that this involves someone covertly contacting my followers and telling them something sufficiently untruthful and defamatory about me as to prompt the reader to unfollow. This may be unrelated but earlier in the year, a member of 500px was formally warned by the police for harrassing me. If you read this and have received any such contact from anyone, I'd be most grateful if you can message me, treated in 100% confidentiality so I can have the opportunity to address the situation. Thank you all for your support.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
17 мм
1/60 с
2015-06-08 09:28:57 UTC
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