
A Photographer`s PoV
Pavlos M. Pavlou - Nicosia, Cyprus

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ― by Ansel Adams Thank you for your visit and if you like my work do leave a comment. This is my latest artwork. I really wanted to give the feeling of a warm dreamy photo, from a beautiful dirt road leading to the sunset. Just imagine walking through that road alone or with your beloved one. You might hear the birds singing, flying around. The warm touch of the sun. A wonderful air breeze. No worries. No stress. Just you and nature. What a feeling! It’s a composition of 4 images. Plus, a bird brush, a sun flare and a tree. About the composition: The main one is the house and the field. The road at left side leading to the sunset is the other one. The sky and sunset is the 3rd one and finally the small foreground.

11 мм
1/80 с
2015-04-22 09:58:33 UTC
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