
Nagesh Mahadev - Dallas, Usa

Sinopah Mountain is the crown jewel of the Two Medicine area, not because it is the highest (that, at 9513', would be Rising Wolf Mountain), biggest, or most dramatic (although drama is certainly present!), but because of its striking appearance as it rises from the far—southwestern-pointing—tip of Two Medicine Lake. Sinopah proves to be an irresistible visual magnet, its lake-facing profile an unbroken wall of cliffs sweeping precipitously upward in classic Glacier Park style. Best viewed on BLACK or you are on crack. lol A Noriega, the editing master, the seriously talented dude. Hit him up if you want to kick some rear end and improve your editing skillz (

16.0-35.0 mm f/4.0
20 мм
172 с
2015-04-22 09:58:00 UTC
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