
Balm for the Soul
Ole Henrik Skjelstad - Hønefoss, Norway

Any "not the bl..y cabin again" or similar comments will be deleted. Worth mentioning that they are addressed to 95kg Viking of which only a modest share is fat. I do wonder if these persons also find it worthwhile to share their sentiments on every Kirkjufjell, Skogafoss, Mount Hood, lake Trillium, Lofoten, Dubai etc etc image that are posted on here. Focus stacking and Photoshop CC appears to be a pretty randomized affair. Had to remask a lot. Any suggestions for a decent focus stacking program? From last evening. Had a fabulous time on the cabin lake breathing deeply and enjoying every second of it.

Canon 16-35mm F2.8
16 мм
1/20 с
2015-04-10 09:52:16 UTC
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