
Antarctic Kayaking
Marsel Van Oosten - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

National Geographic has selected one of my images from Antarctica to be featured on their website. In this shot you see my friend Tessa working her way through the brash ice off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Paddling here is clearly very different from paddling in the swamps of Louisiana and Texas, but it’s great for the same reasons: you get an awesome low angle, you can get to places where regular boats cannot go, and the lack of an engine is not only great for your own wilderness experience, it’s also much less intrusive for the wildlife - birds and mammals are more relaxed when approached by a kayak. - - - If you would like to join us on a kayak-based landscape photography tour, then check out our Into The Cypress Swamps tour: It’s one of the most spectacular landscape photography tours on the planet, and totally unique. INTO THE CYPRESS SWAMPS Landscape photography tour Texas & Louisiana, USA
 31 Oct - 9 Nov 2017 -> FULL
 13 - 22 Nov 2017 -> 2 spaces left
 26 Nov - 5 Dec 2017 -> 1 space left Marsel WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER ©2017 Marsel van Oosten, All Rights Reserved. This image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer.

2017-08-01 09:01:34 UTC
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