
Still here
Charles ( Χάρης ) Charalambous - Limassol, Cyprus

I visit the Edro 3 shipwreck as often as I can , since being there takes all my troubles away ! Of course I always have my gear with me in case the sky or light is good :) A straight forward single frame capture with the Nikon D800 and , as usual , Nikon 14-24m f/2.8 @ 14mm with the Nisi 10 stop and Nisi 3 stop soft ND grad. Not much in post process. The sea spray created a subtle glow effect in the highlights . Exposure was 150.0 sec; f/13; ISO 100. Thank you all for your kind comments !!

Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8
14 мм
150 sec с
2017-05-27 14:40:59 UTC
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