
Constant Awe
José Ramos - Lisboa, Portugal

Follow me on Facebook | Instagram | My website | Contact me | A photo made on the South of Iceland, when I was headed to Skogafoss. It's not easy for a photographer to drive on the Ring Road in Iceland as you feel like you need to stop to take a photo every minute. In this case I really had to stop, as all of a sudden a majestic mountain appears at distance, lit by one of most epic sunsets I witnessed during the trip. It was supposed to be a quick stop, but I just couldn't leave the place until it got dark, exploring the endless composition possibilities, while capturing the constantly shifting light. I don't know the name of this mountain, and quite possibly it's not very well known. There are so many little known gems in Iceland hiding behind every corner, and it's impossible not to be in constant awe in this place...

10 мм
1/30 с
2015-02-27 09:03:41 UTC
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