
Saksun - Faroe Islands
P Ak Doc K @P Ak Doc K - Granada, Spain

Another beautiful place in the Faroe Islands is the small village of Saksun. The view is amazing when a ray of sunshine comes out of the clouds. Everything is emerald, the waterfall shines, the church and the graveyard glow. To get the shot I had to wait, almost an hour, to get the perfect light in the perfect places. Luck only comes when you work for it. One of the most beautiful and remote corners of the Planet Earth. Saksun Church, Streymoy. Faroe Islands, 2016 ------------------------------------------------ More at PAk DocK in Pinterest | | PAk DocK in Instagram PAk DocK in facebook | | PAk DocK in twitter | | PAk DocK in Tumblr PAk DocK©

Voigtlander 15mm Wide Heliar II
15 мм
1/60 с
2016-12-12 09:46:39 UTC
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