
Arctic Cordillera
Artur Stanisz - Vancouver, Canada

[‪#‎BaffinIslandPhotoAdventure2016‬] Have you ever experienced absolute liberation of your human senses and were able to recognize the sound of silence? Have you ever imagined how would your mind respond to total desolation? Have you ever asked yourself: what kind of adventure would be able to change your life? Well, in the past I have asked myself all these questions. Then, I found the answer. To me one of such adventures is located on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. When I am over there, I exist in a vacuum where my regular daily behaviour, with its worry-free events as well as struggles cease to exist and is replaced with primal form of happiness. The basic survival instinct kicks in bringing its refreshing mind-clearing power. I rediscover ancestors’ ability to read and coexist with nature and I am becoming an integral part of the surrounding landscape. My trips to Baffin Island and similar desolated areas awaken my inner need to explore and help conquest my own flaws. I always return not only endowed with great memories, but also enriched as a human being. If you feel that you wish to experience some of it, there is a trip to Baffin Island that I am organizing at the end of August 2016. If you are interested, just contact me here or elsewhere.

2016-05-13 17:02:53 UTC
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